
BEM 2015

I BEM 2015

Danger! Humans!


When an animal attacks a person, there are always stories about it on TV and in the newspapers. But people are usually more dangerous than animals. Every year, we kill approximately 100 million sharks, but sharks only attack three or four people, and crocodiles six or seven. More people die in car accidents!

Animals aren't really a problem for people, but we are a problem for animals. We eat millions of tonnes of fish and meat every year. But people don't kill animals just for food. They also hunt them for fur or for fun. While you're reading this, people are hunting whales in the Arctic, tigers in Asia and elephants in Africa.

At the moment, animals are becoming extinct in every part of the world. The 'red list' of animals in danger includes insects, frogs, chameleons, fish and bigger animals, like bears and whales. We aren't killing all these animals directly, but they are dying and becoming extinct because of human actions. Our pollution and construction is changing the climate and animals' habitats, and time is running out for some animals. It's important to change our actions now and save the animals!

A Part one: (14 pts)
A/ Reading Comprehension (07 pts)

Choisir la réponse correcte de la liste

Ton Score

Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences:


Sharks attack only ****  people every year.

People kill animals ****


Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous

Ton Score

Read the following statements and write 'true', 'false' or 'not mentioned'.


Car accidents kill more people than animals do.                            

There are about 6000 wild tigers living in the world.    

Pollution does not affect the climate and animals' habitats.



TrueNot mentionedFalse

Associer par un trait

Ton Score

Match each word with its appropriate definition

Doesn't supported


  • hunt

  • habitat

  • save

  • causing damage, suffering, loss, injury or risk.

  • chase wild animals to kill or capture them for food or fun

  • natural environment of an animal or a plant.

  • make or keep somebody or something safe.

B/ Mastery of Language (07 points)
Activity 1: (2pts)
BEM 2015 - مراقبات

Cliquer et glisser les réponses dans les cases correspondantes parmi les mots possibles ci-dessous

Ton Score

Complete the following sentences with the correct relative pronoun:

                     "who, where, whose or which"


People must stop destroying rainforests   pandas live.

Gorillas are wild animals are in danger of extinction.

People fish out of season have to be punished.

wherewhich who

Remplir le tableau

Ton Score

Find in the text four words that have the following sounds:

/ei/ ( place ) /ai/ ( white)
B Part tow (06 pts):
Written Expression
BEM 2015 - مراقبات
مجموع نقطي في التمارين : ‎ None نقطة

المراتب الخمس الأولى في التمارين

  • ilyas frida
  • 13 نقطة
  • نسرين مريم
  • 12 نقطة
  • ghenima Boumelit
  • 12 نقطة
  • نور الاسلام منصور
  • 12 نقطة
  • سلاف بن يحي
  • 12 نقطة

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.

قم بالدخول للإطلاع على المزيد من المحتوى

لتتمكن من الوصول إلى جميع الدروس والتمارين والمسابقات والفيديوهات وتصفح الموقع براحة قم بالدخول أو بتسجيل حساب مجانا.